About Us

Incorporated in 1989, Qualiturn has always valued its customers and is committed to their success. Whether you’re a small company or an internationally based organization, Qualiturn has produced simple to complex CNC machined parts and assemblies that meet customer requirements in a wide variety of materials. We’re a family owned business that has been hands on with the day to day operations for over 20 years. We continue to invest in state of the art equipment and employee expertise. From short customized runs to large scale productions, our commitment is to get it right the first time. By utilizing our cost competitive processes and quality system we can meet or exceed our customer’s quality and delivery requirements.

Mike Barber

Qualiturn, Inc.

9081 Le Saint dr.
Fairfield, OH 45014
513-868-3333 ph
513-868-0333 fax
E-mail: qualiturn.sales@gmail.com

Watch the video at left to see CNC machining in action!